A guide to achieving the 


    body & spirit

    What makes Bulletproof Ballerina training different from other cross-training and fitness methods? Lifting HEAVY weights. Embracing the struggle. Accepting failure. The real value of working out is that it challenges you -- both physically and mentally. Lifting heavy weights that are a true...
    We are one week away from the start of this year's SUMMER DETOX! This program is one of my favorites for its ability to nurture health, youthfulness, confidence, & fat loss. Plus, the camaraderie from the group coaching makes things fun & motivating! This daily, step-by-step process takes the...
    People often ask what my tricks are for fat loss. It's almost as if they assume they are missing a piece of the puzzle, & if they can just get all the pieces, the fat will easily melt off. And while there certainly are methods & strategies for fat loss...the main "trick" is HARD WORK and effort. ...
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  • Anti-Bunhead Fitness

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  • The 2 Keys to Unleash Your Inner

    Bad Girl Ballerina


    The Physical:

    The first step to becoming a Bad Girl Ballerina is training like one. If you're not born as a thoroughbred, you can't train like a thoroughbred. You have to train differently. The BULLETPROOF BALLERINA method of cross-training is designed exactly for that purpose. Through workouts that enhance your strength, mobility, coordination, stamina, & awareness, you become a better dancer not by focusing on your ballet technique but by unlocking your body's full potential. Instead of forcing your body into the ballet mold (which destroys not only your body but also your self-esteem), you learn how to make ballet work on your unique body. This builds a confidence in your body that allows you to perform at your peak physically & take risks with your artistry.


    The Mental:

    Stop trying to be perfect. Stop worrying if you're "good enough." Stop playing by the rules. You'll be amazed at what you unlock once you stop trying to please everyone else. The Bad Girl Ballerina inside you is fearless and has so much more to express & share without all the worry, judgments, and self-consciousness holding her back. Through the BAD GIRL BALLERINA BLOG and community, you'll learn that your worth is not tied to your perfectionism or dependent on how you measure up to the best-of-the-best. And through small actions & awareness, you'll build a confidence in yourself that allows you to be completely vulnerable & expressive in your art. But you have to be willing to break your own bunhead rules in order to live to your fullest potential. It's all about shifting your mindset to a place that inspires freedom and growth rather than restriction and punishment.

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