Get 40% OFF my KEY TO YOUR CORE program now through Jan. 7, 2018!
If you are anything like me, you've probably:
- Had your fill of Nutcrackers (for now, at least)
- Spent a good amount of time lounging around letting your body & mind rest and recover over the holidays (soooo necessary!)
- Eaten so many Christmas cookies and treats that you are actually CRAVING salad in a serious way
- Discovered you're already bored with being lazy & indulgent and are ready to start attacking your goals again in 2018!
So, in honor of the New Year, I'm giving you the opportunity to gain lifetime access to my KEY TO YOUR CORE program at a 40% discount. This progressive, core-focused workout takes you through some of my personal favorite exercises that enhance the central powerhouse of your body...creating a strong yet supple core.

Your core initiates every move you make as a dancer, even though you may not feel or even be aware of it. And sure, you can still be a gorgeous dancer even with a weak core. But, just imagine what will happen to your dancing when you are in control of this aspect of your body? Your core is kind of like a diamond in the rough - you can't really see its value from the surface, but once you start cultivating it and polish it up, it becomes incredibly valuable and vital to your dancing. Everything from your jumps, extensions, balances, partnering skills, turns comes from your core. And, gaining the knowledge to access and enhance this part of your body will be felt as real improvements in all these areas of your dance technique.
If you are ready to start working towards your peak performance body, take advantage of this 40% savings and gain lifetime access to KEY TO YOUR CORE for only $76 ($127 value!) before the promo code expires on January 7. Just click the button below and enter the code "newyear" in the Promo Code box at the checkout!
Promo Code: newyear
Questions about your order or the KTYC program? Email me anytime!
(Promo code expires on 1/7/18)